I am writing a script that will resize an image and then upload it to Imgur - but I don't want to save the image on disk!
fp = requests.get(link_of_image)
img = StringIO.StringIO(fp.content)
image = Image.open(img)
im2 = image.resize((50, 50), Image.ANTIALIAS)
temp = StringIO.StringIO()
im2.save(temp, 'png')
j1 = requests.post(
headers = headers,
data = {
'key': api_key,
'image': temp.read(),
'type': 'base64',
'name': '1.png',
'title': 'Picture no. 1'
After running this script, I get an error Image format not supported, or image is corrupt
seems your image is not base64 encoded, try changing:
'image': temp.read(),
'image': temp.read().encode("base64"),