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/tasks endpoint's hearts opt_field returns different json structure than api documentation

i tried to poll tasks with hearts opt_field. In the documentation the specified json structure was

hearts  [ { id: 1245, name: "Mittens" }, ... ]

but when when polled we get,

"hearts": [
      "id": 17818qwerty545640,
      "user": {
        "id": 104764787853157345,
        "name": "Gurdy Code"
      "id": 17827xxxxuyyyy34676,
      "user": {
        "id": 1zxxcv672489,
        "name": "Boumer Weckhunt"

does the id in the outer brackets have any usage?


  • The outer ids are the IDs of the hearts themselves - they are in a sense resources in their own right. They have a user and a created_at, which is the time when the user hearted the resource in question. You're absolutely correct that the documentation needs to be updated.