I read an example of restful service, it only uses two HTTP method: get post. for example, there is a task list at the server. To design the restful URL, we can use:
www.example.com/task GET. return all the task list.
www.example.com/task/id GET. return the specific task.
www.example.com/task/create GET. return a task form.
www.example.com/task/create POST. post the data from task form page.
www.example.com/task/update/id GET. update a task with id, return a task form page.
www.example.com/task/update/ POST. update the task from the task form page.
www.example.com/task/delete/id GET. delete the task with ID.
In this way, the URL is very clear, user can understand the meaning of the URL. Is this a good practice of restful URL definition?
Should we use PUT, DELETE operation? If so, how to design for the upward URL? Thanks.
www.example.com/tasks GET return all the task list.
www.example.com/tasks POST Create a new task
www.example.com/tasks/id GET return the specific task.
www.example.com/tasks/id PUT update the task
www.example.com/tasks/id DELETE delete the task with ID.
IMHO that's all the methods you need to have to deal with Tasks.