I'm teaching myself C and working through K&R. I'm doing exercise 1-20:
Write a Program entab that replaces strings of blanks by the minimum number of tabs and blanks to acheive the same spacing. Use the same tab stops as for detab.
I worked through this program myself, but was reviewing other solutions:
#define TABINC 8
int main(void)
int nb,pos,c;
nb = 0;
pos = 1;
if( c == '\t')
nb = TABINC - (( pos - 1) % TABINC); // <---- How does this work
while( nb > 0)
else if( c == '\n')
pos = 1;
return 0;
I have difficulty understanding how this part works nb = TABINC - (( pos - 1) % TABINC);
. Can someone please explain what this is exactly doing step by step? Perhaps walk me through an example?
Thank you.
Consider the following input text:
This is what we want it to produce (tabs replaced with ···
Column: | | | |
Line: 1 ········one
2 two·····three
3 sixteen·seventeen·······eighteen
The number of spaces required for each tab character is always going to be a number from 1 to TABINC
(i.e., 8) inclusive. The tabs in the above example are expanded as follows:
Current Next tab No. spaces
column# position required
1 9 8
4 9 5
8 9 1
18 25 7
You should be able to see a pattern here. If we are already at a tab position (1, 9, 17, etc.), we need to add 8 spaces. And in general, if we are n
characters past a tab position (where 0 <= n <= 7
), then we need to add 8-n
We can calculate n
n = (pos - 1) % 8
so nb
(the number of spaces we need to add) can simply be calculated as follows:
nb = 8 - n
nb = 8 - ((pos - 1) % 8)
Or, more generally,
nb = TABINC - ((pos - 1) % TABINC)