I am performing a search in mysql using MATCH()
function with multiple keyword. How to know which keyword matched for the search.
SELECT ... , MATCH(n.s_body_from_rss, n.s_full_body) AGAINST("LIST OF KEYWORDS' IN BOOLEAN MODE") AS relevance
This relevance
show a numeric value rather than the matched keyword.
Any suggestions most welcome.
Get the result array and then using loop (for|foreach) in php match the string using the same keyword list in preg_match_all() i.e. [assuming KEYWORD_LIST is in ',' separated value]
preg_match_all('/\b'.str_replace(',','\b|\b', **KEYWORD_LIST**).'\b/iu',$string,$match);
$matched_keyword = array_unique($match[0]);
the $matched_keyword array will provide the desire matched keyword list.
This is a probable solution in php instead of MySQL query itself