How to show Log in Page after Logged in
After user Logged when user type url /customer/account/login/
Magento Will Redirect to /customer/account/ not show or load /customer/account/login/
i will try to When user open url /customer/account/login/ this session is destroy and login to new user
but my code are in log in page but they not load
How i can Disable Auto redirect for this
PS. i try to turn System > Configuration > Customers > Customer Configuration > Login Options to no but it not work
If you need to change in account controller in core magento, You just need to do the following 1) Edit the class file Mage_Customer_AccountController 2) Go the function loginAction 3) Comment the following lines
if ($this->_getSession()->isLoggedIn()){$this->_redirect('//');return;}
By doing this, you are editting the magento core. Otherwise you might need to create a custom module and rewrite the AccountController class which is more better.