I'm trying t o determined which of the two APIs have more features to do text-to-speech in a pro application developed in C#.
OS is not an issues here, just how of the two namespaces offer more features, quality voices and stability.
Have any body master both tech and could tell me about the different in those two namespaces? Is one of them a super-set of the another in terms of features?
Behind of those two namespaces is the same speech synthesis engine?
My web app will do all the text-to-speech stuff at server side.
Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis is part of the Windows Runtime and supports only Windows Store apps. It cannot be called from your server app and so won't serve your purpose.
System.Speech.SpeechSynthesis should work for you. You can call it on the server to generate a sound file via SetOutputToWaveFile You can then expose the generated wave file \ from the server.
Barring that they target different environments, the end results would be similar.