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I am tring to create "Sinking ships" using jQuery

So far I am tring to make functions for placing ships on board and I have some problems with function for checking is some field available. My basic idea is to have one method which will be called on button click:

        var raspolozivo=parseInt($("#raspolozivo1x1").text());

            generisi1x1();//call for function that generate random field

            var novoRaspolozivo= raspolozivo-1;
            alert("Rasporedjeni svi raspolozivi brodovi ovog tipa!");

and it will call function to generate random field:

function generisi1x1(){
            var minR = 0;
            var maxR = 9;
            var minK = 0;
            var maxK = 9;
            randRed=Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxR - minR + 1)) + minR;
            randKol=Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxK - minK + 1)) + minK;
            proveri1x1(randRed,randKol);//call to function to check is field available

than function generisi1x1() calls function that checks is that field available:

function proveri1x1(randRed,randKol){
                    alert("red:"+" "+i+" kolona:"+j);
                else { postavi1x1(randRed,randKol);}

And my problem is that sometimes this work great(at least it looks that work great,maybe pure luck), and sometimes it generate only 3 ships 1x1(there should be 4) , sometimes it show me message about problem and generate 5 ships(4 on right places, 1 on bad) etc.

Printscreen of bad case: Added ship 1x1 on position 5,3 right next to ship 4x1

Here is live demo of entire code: Live demo

So far I made available to insert ships 4x1 and 1x1, and doing check only for 1x1, plan is to do the same for all ships, any help would be great.


  • You will find it easier to understand if proveri1x1() performs the checks and returns true or false, and generisi1x1() performs the postavi1x1() action;

    function generisi1x1() {
        var minR = 0, maxR = 9, minK = 0, maxK = 9;
        randRed = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxR - minR + 1)) + minR;
        randKol = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxK - minK + 1)) + minK;
        if(proveri1x1(randRed, randKol)) { //call to function to check is field available
        } else {
            generisi1x1();//try again
    function proveri1x1(randRed, randKol) {
        for(var i=randRed-1; i<randRed+2; i++) {
            for(var j=randKol-1; j<randKol+2; j++) {
                if($(".red" + i + ".kolona" + j).hasClass('deoBroda')) {
                    return false;
        return true;//<<<< note the position of this return statement