I updated from Mavericks to Yosemite and now I can't use any Genymotion device anymore.
You can see the devices in Eclipse, but when you want to run an application you can't select one of these devices.
I've already re-installed Eclipse, Genymotion and Virtualbox...
The Genymotion Virtual Devices Manager shows a Nexus 5 which is stated 'On'
When I want to run my application, there is no Nexus 5..
This is a bug in eclipse - OSX yosemite, what you need to do is in the Android Device Chooser Window, try to RESIZE THE SERIAL NUMBER TAB and you will see the genymotion emulator that is running
If you don't see it, or the Android Device Chooser Window doesn't appear, check three things before running again:
Additionally I downloaded the jar files from Genymotion Download Page manually and replaced it in the plugin folder of eclipse.
FYI, a bug has been opened in AOSP's issue tracker.
At bottom of this page, there is a link to 'Vote for this issue' ...