I know how to style the CSS of placeholder text/background/font-size etc across browsers with each browser's specified pseudo classes. However I cannot style them within the browser with dev tools and have not found an answer to whether this is even possible.
I'd love to work with placeholder styles without a trial and error workflow.
It is possible in Chrome, Edge, Opera and Firefox.
In Chrome, go to the Dev Tools Settings (the gear icon in the top right) and under General|Elements turn on "Show user agent shadow DOM". In Edge and Opera it's under Settings > Preferences > Elements > Show user agent shadow DOM.
Now go inspect your text box. There should now be an arrow next to the input element.
Expand that and select <div psuedo="-webkit-input-placeholder" id="placeholder" style="visibility: visible; text-overflow: clip;">
Your classes that you are using to modify the placeholder should show up in the style pane.
Here is what it should look like:
In Firefox, the style is shown by default in the Inspector tab, under "Pseudo-elements" (::placeholder