I have a chain of akka actors like
A --> B --> C
Actor A 'asks' actor B which in turn 'asks' actor C. Actor A needs to wait till actor C has finished processing. B is a thin layer and does nothing more than passing(asking) the message to C and returns a Future back to A. Basically B just do
{ case msgFromA => sender ! C ? msgFromA }
Hence what A is getting is a Future[Any].
The way A is handling the request is using nested maps
actorRefFactory.actorOf(Props[A]) ? msgA map {
resp =>
// Type cast Any to Future and use another map to complete processing.
resp.asInstanceOf[Future[_]] map {
case Success =>
// Complete processing
case Failure(exc) =>
// Log error
This works(i.e The final processing happens only when the actor C has finished processing ) but needless to say it looks horrible. I tried using flatmaps but could not make it work. Any ideas to make it look good :) Thanks
A more proper way:
In A
val f: Future[MyType] = (B ? msg).mapTo[MyType]
f onComplete {
case Success(res) => // do something
case Failure(t) => // do something
In B
, use forward
{ case msgFromA => C forward msgFromA }
In C
// call database
// update cache
sender() ! res // actually sends to A