I have an cfmail function set-up in a particular file, email_output.cfm, which requires an ID passed to it to work properly, like email_output.cfm?ID=1. I want to set up a cron job that runs through a query returning the various needed IDs to pass. In testing, I can do the following:
<cflocation url="email_output.cfm?ID=10" >
But, since cflocation stops all other execution and opens another page, I can't loop through it. How would I pass parameters from a query to a single CF page multiple times?
Thanks - Joe
A custom tag sample implementation of this...
If this is your first time using a custom tag, it's easiest to put it in the same folder as the page calling it. There are a few options for putting it in a different directory, but let's start simple.
<cfquery name="GetUIDs">
select userid from users
<cfoutput query="GetUIDs">
<cf_maileach uid="#userID#">
Notice how I called my tag cf_maileach?
In the same directory, place maileach.cfm, see how the names match?
<cfif StructKeyExists(attributes,"uid") and val(attributes.uid) gt 0>
<cfquery name="getinfo">
select fname,lname,email
from users
where userID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#attributes.uid#">
<cfmail to="#getinfo.email#" subject="Hi #getinfo.fname#">...</cfmail>
, look it up, use it, love it.Edit: While a CFHTTP method can serve this purpose, it suffers a few problems
Here is some sample code to test this yourself.
Contents of folder "safe":
[ blank file, to negate my testing site's actual application.cfc ]
<cfoutput><cfset starttick = GetTickCount()>
<cfloop from="1" to="20" index="i">
<cfhttp url="http://mysamesite.com/safe/http.cfm?u=#i#" method="get" result="test">
CFHTTP Execution Time: #(GetTickCount() - starttick)#<br><br>
<cfset starttick = GetTickCount()>
<cfloop from="1" to="20" index="i">
<cf_testtag u="#i#"><br>
CustomTag Execution Time: #(GetTickCount() - starttick)#<br><br>
<cfoutput>The ID entered was #attributes.u#</cfoutput>
<cfoutput>The ID entered was #url.u#</cfoutput>
Results (in milliseconds) Each test was 20 passes at HTTP and 20 Passes at the custom tag.
661ms 6ms
1624 5
616 5
460 4
522 6
816 4