So I finally got through the mess of preparing my app binary to support the iPad, making it a univeral app, and then I got this strange error "Missing Screenshot". And due to the fact that I hadn't uploaded my iPad screenshots to the original binary (I forgot) that error made sense. So I went into the original iPhone app, added my iPad screenshots, and hoped that somehow it would just work, but it didn't.
So then, I rejected the binary, and made sure the iPad screenshots were where they needed to be, re-uploaded a new binary, and it still says MISSING SCREENSHOT. I emailed apple, and they characteristically won't get back to me till probably sometime next week, so I am hoping that someone here can shed some on this error for me! What can I do to get that error to go away, so I can get my ap reviewed and updated? Thank you very much!
You need to set screenshots for all of the locales you are posting your app in