I have a grammar that contains expressions between brackets '{}' which represents 0 or more times that expression, and expressions between square brackets '[]', which represent 1 or none times that expression, I think this kind of grammars are called Extended Backus-Naur Form Grammars. I would like to transform the grammar to its normal form (where there are not brackets nor square brackets).
Is there an existing algorithm to do that?
I know that I can substitute something like A--> B[CD]E to A-->BE, A--> BCDE but I would like to know if there are existing algorithms that I could implement in order to transform those expressions.
The most straightforward way to do that is to replace every EBNF construct with a new rule. Here are the equivalences you can use:
A ::= B [C D] E ;
A ::= B X E ;
X ::= C D | ɛ ;
Where ɛ represents the empty string.
A ::= B {C D} E ;
Zero or more times:
A ::= B X E ;
X ::= C D X | ɛ ;
One or more times:
A ::= B X E ;
X ::= C D | C D X ;
A ::= B (C D) E ;
A ::= B X E ;
X ::= C D ;
Apply these transformations recursively and you'll end up with vanilla BNF.