What is the best way to implement two point crossover in Matlab? The two point crossover is described here. Note that in my application I cannot split the lists wherever. They are grouped by four, so places where it is allowed to split a list (chromosome) is 4, 8, 12 and so on (this is because my application is a linear genetic programming problem).
I tried this, but it doesn't work as sometimes I get chromosomes that have a number of elements which is not evenly divisible by four. I need help figuring out how to make it work.
function newPopulation = Crossover( population, p )
newPopulation = population;
for i=1:2:length(population)
if p < rand
[newPopulation{i}, newPopulation{i+1}] = PerformCrossover( newPopulation{i}, newPopulation{i+1} );
function [newChromosome1, newChromosome2] = PerformCrossover( c1, c2 )
l1 = length(c1)/4;
l2 = length(c2)/4;
i1 = 4*sort( randperm( l1, 2 ) )-[3 4];
i2 = 4*sort( randperm( l2, 2 ) )-[3 4];
newChromosome1 = [ c1( 1:l1<i1(1) ) c2( i2(1):i2(2) ) c1( 1:l1>i1(2) ) ];
newChromosome2 = [ c2( 1:l2<i2(1) ) c1( i1(1):i1(2) ) c2( 1:l2>i2(2) ) ];
EDIT. There seems to be confusion. I want the version of crossover that is described by my code. In this code the segments from each chromosome do not have the same length. This means that I change the size of the chromosomes when I do the swap, this is intended. Further explanation is available in the comment to McMa.
leave everything as is, as it is already optimized, and correct this:
i1 = 4*sort( randperm( l1, 2 ) )-[3 3];
i2 = 4*sort( randperm( l2, 2 ) )-[3 3];
newChromosome1 = [ c1( 1:i1(1) ) c2( i2(1)+1:i2(2)-1 ) c1( i1(2):end ) ];
newChromosome2 = [ c2( 1:i2(1) ) c1( i1(1)+1:i1(2)-1 ) c2( i2(2):end ) ];