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How to know the size of .cab file content without expanding it using PowerShell?

For example, I have file I want to know size of all files(extracted!) inside I don't want to extract files from it.

How can I do this using Windows PowerShell?

Thanks for help!


  • You will have to use the cabarc.exe tool. Use the l parameter to list the content of the cabinet file. As it outputs some unwated text we have skip the first 9 lines. Then we replace "more than one space" to a space and so create a csv file. Finaly we call measure-content to get the sum of the files size :

    cabarc.exe l .\ > c:\temp\cab.txt
    ((gc C:\temp\cab.txt |skip -First 9) -replace '\s+',' ' | `
    convertfrom-csv -delimiter " " -Header "file","size","date" | `
    measure -property size -Sum | select  -expand sum)/1MB