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Invoking a secure adapter using Adapter Invocation Service in IBM Worklight

We have an HTTP adapter with a couple of secure procedures declared as follows:

<wl:adapter name="PushAdapter" ...
<procedure name="submitNotification" securityTest="AdapterSecurityTest"/>
<procedure name="submitNotificationMass" securityTest="AdapterSecurityTest"/>

Security test is performed using adapter based authentication as below:

    <mobileSecurityTest name="AdapterSecurityTest">
        <testUser realm="MyRealm"/>
        <testDeviceId provisioningType="none"/>

    <realm name="MyRealm" loginModule="NonValidatingLoginModule">
        <parameter name="login-function">AuthenticationAdapter.onAuthRequired</parameter>
        <parameter name="logout-function">AuthenticationAdapter.onLogout</parameter>

We need to be able to invoke the adapter procedures in HTTP using the adapter invocation service. Using the invocation service, the invocation URL should be as below:

http://<server>:<port>/<Context>/invoke?adapter=PushAdapter&procedure=submitNotification&parameters=[userId, notification text to be sent]

The invocation works as expected when the procedure security test is set to 'wl_unprotected'. But if the security test is used, the invocation returns the below response:

/*-secure-{"WL-Authentication-Failure":{"wl_remoteDisableRealm":{"reason":"Login Failed"}}}*/

The question is, how can we authenticate using the invocation service? We tried setting the authorization HTTP header with now luck.

Thank you


  • I have followed the procedure's to implement with the help Adapter based Authentication from Worklight 6.2 Samples.

    Step 1: Add the following value's in header, based your environment actuals


    Request: http://x.x.x.x:10080/AdapterBasedAuth/apps/services/api/SingleStepAuth/common/init


    /*-secure- {"challenges":{"wl_antiXSRFRealm":{"WL-Instance-Id":"gi1cqaqd3p89763l1amoklsq3u"}}}*/

    Step 2:

    Add the WL-Instance-Id: gi1cqaqd3p89763l1amoklsq3u in the header which was the part of previous response

    Request: http://xx.xx.xx.xx:10080/AdapterBasedAuth/apps/services/api/SingleStepAuth/common/query?adapter=SingleStepAuthAdapter&procedure=submitAuthentication&parameters=['worklight','worklight']



    Step 3:

    Add Authorization header and the value from previous response


    Request: http://xx.xx.xx.xx:10080/AdapterBasedAuth/apps/services/api/SingleStepAuth/common/query?adapter=SingleStepAuthAdapter&procedure=getSecretData


    {"isSuccessful":true,"secretData":"A very very very very secret data"}*/

    To know more about this process follow this IBM Community Blog.

    I believe this what you are looking for.