I am using Infragistics ultrawin tree and assigning data source to it. i want to display images from data source on left side and right side of ultra tree node. Datatable will be in below format
UserImage UserID StatusImage
Image1 1 image4
Image2 2 image5
Image3 3 image6
UserImage will dispaly before node and UserId will be dispaly as text and StatusImage will display after node text. Please help me in this regard.
not sure if this is what you want but here it goes and it's in VB you should be able to convert this to C#
i am using an imagelist for this and the tree is unbound
Dim utNode As New UltraTreeNode
utNode.Text = UltraTree1.Nodes.Count + 1
utNode.LeftImages.Add(Me.ImageList1.Images((UltraTree1.Nodes.Count) Mod 5))
utNode.RightImages.Add(Me.ImageList1.Images((UltraTree1.Nodes.Count) Mod 5))
this will give you image on the left and on the right with the numbers as nodetext
put this code behind a button's event and create an imagelist with 5 images that's it
hope it helps