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Alternative to a while loop in twisted which doesn't block the reactor thread

I'm making a chat application in twisted. Suppose my server is designed in such a way that whenever it detects a client online, it sends the client all the pending-messages (those messages of that client which were cached in a python-list on the server because it was offline) one-by-one in a while loop until the list is exhausted. Something like this:

class MyChat(LineReceiver):

    def connectionMade(self):

        while True: 
            #retrieve first message from a list of pending-messages(queue) of "self" 
            msg = self.retrieveFromQueue(self)      
            if msg != "empty":

    def lineReceived(self, line):

    def connectionLost(self, reason):

    def retrieveFromQueue(self, who):
        msglist = []                                                        

        if who in self.factory.userMessages:
            msglist = self.factory.userMessages[who]

        if msglist != []:
            msg = msglist.pop(0)              #msglist is a list of strings

            self.factory.userMessages[self] = msglist               

            return msg
            return "empty"  

    factory.userMessages = {}   #dict of list of incoming messages of users who aren't online

So according to my understanding of Twisted, the while loop will block the main reactor thread and any interaction from any other client with the server will not be registered by the server. If that's the case, I want an alternate code/method to this approach which will not block the twisted thread.

Update: There may be 2000-3000 pending messages per user because of the nature of the app.


  • I think that addresses this point.

    The answer here depends on what exactly self.retrieveFromQueue(self) does. You implied it's something like:

    if self.list_of_messages:
        return self.list_of_messages.pop(0)
    return b"empty"

    If this is the case, then the answer is one thing. On the other hand, if the implementation is something more like:

    return self.remote_mq_client.retrieve_queue_item(self.queue_identifier)

    then the answer might be something else entirely. However, note that it's the implementation of retrieveFromQueue upon which the answer appears to hinge.

    That there is a while loop isn't quite as important. The while loop reflects the fact that (to use Glyph's words), this code is getting work done.

    You may decide that the amount of work this loop represents is too great to all get done at one time. If there are hundreds of millions of queued messages then copying them one by one into the connection's send buffer will probably use both a noticable amount of time and memory. In this case, you may wish to consider the producer/consumer pattern and its support in Twisted. This won't make the code any less (or more) "blocking" but it will make it run for shorter periods of time at a time.

    So the questions to answer here are really:

    • whether or not retrieveFromQueue blocks
    • if it does not block, whether or not there will be so many queued messages that processing them all will cause connectionMade to run for so long that other clients notice a disruption in service