Created a RadDatePicker in this way:
<telerikInput:RadDatePicker x:Name="TelerikDatePicker"
Width="300" >
and C#:
var cultureInfo = new CultureInfo( "he-IL" );
cultureInfo.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = new HebrewCalendar();
TelerikDatePicker.Culture = cultureInfo;
The behavior is shown in the attached 2 screenshots (Select a date in the Hebrew calendar and display the result as the equivalent Gregorian date):
I would like to do the opposite behavior, i.e. to have the user select a Gregorian date and display the result as the equivalent Hebrew date.
How can I do that?
Thanks, Eitan
An answer I got from Telerik:
"Following the Microsoft standards the RadDatePicker control gets the CultureInfo of the current thread, so it is not possible to have RadDatePickers with different calendars on one page."