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c++ initialize a map of maps more nicely

I have just started learning c++ today and am having a hard time finding an elegant way to initialise a map of maps. At the moment, the horrible method is:

typedef std::map < char, map < char, int > >  terribly_initialised_map;

and then

terribly_initialised_map plz_help;
plz_help['m']['e'] = 1;

There must be a better way?


  • In C++11, it's a lot easier:

    map_type someMap{
        {'m', {
            {'e', 1},
            {'f', 2}
        {'a', {
            {'b', 5}

    This makes use of list initialization, using std::map's list constructor (the one that takes a std::initializer_list<std::pair<Key, Value>>). The pairs can also be list initialized with the two stored values.

    In C++03, you can do decently well with boost::map_list_of, but it might not be much better than what you have for nested maps, especially with the outer call needing to be a specific list_of call to eliminate an ambiguity:

    using boost::assign::list_of;
    using boost::assign::map_list_of;
    map_type someMap = 
            ('e', 1)
            ('f', 2)
            ('b', 5)