I have a vector, let say as = [1 3 4]
and I have 30 by 30
cell array. I want to check if the elements of vector as intersect with the elements of each cell or not? the cells may be 2D
arrays of size n-by-2
(where n= 1 2 3 4,etc).
If the row in a cell has an intersection with that vector, it should return (1 or 0)
& if the row has no intersection with that vector, it should return (0 or 1)
If on of the cell arrays contains [ 1 8 ;6 9]
, so the output is [1; 0]
Assuming cellarr
to be input cell array, see if this approach works for you -
out = cellfun(@(x) any(any(bsxfun(@eq,x,permute(as,[1 3 2])),2),3),cellarr,'un', 0)
This would give you a cell array of all those matches for each cell. You can see their values with a call to celldisp(out)
Sample run -
as =
1 3 4
cellarr{1,1} =
1 8
6 9
cellarr{2,1} =
7 4
2 3
cellarr{1,2} =
4 3
cellarr{2,2} =
7 8
2 3
7 8
out{1,1} =
out{2,1} =
out{1,2} =
out{2,2} =
Edit: If you would like to find indices that do not have any zeros corresponding to their cell values in out
, that is we intend to find cells where all rows have at least one element from as
, you can use this modified code, assuming ca
to be the input cell array (name changed here to keep the code compact) -
mch = cellfun(@(x) all(any(any(bsxfun(@eq,x,permute(as,[1 3 2])),2),3)),ca,'un',0)
%// Find matches for all cells
mch(cellfun('isempty',ca))={false} %// take care of empty cell condition
[row_ind,col_ind] = find(cell2mat(mch)) %// row and column indices of good matches