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Trouble accessing webservice from EC2 instance

I have a small bottle webservice running on EC2 virtual windows server i launched. I am able to access it on localhost or by using the IPV4 specified in the main method as below but I am not able to access it over internet from other computers. Please suggest me how to deal with this. I saw one similar question like this but the suggestions didnt work so am posting again. Apologies for that. Trying:

def index():
    """ Display welcome & instruction messages """
    return "<p>Welcome to bottle powered server !</p> \
           <p>There are many ways to invoke the web service :\

some code here for calculations

IN my Main method

if __name__ == '__main__':
    run(host='', port=8080,debug=True)


  • Ran bottle server on EC2 instance, opened a port 8083 and accessed using the fully_qualified_machine_name:8083 thank you for your suggestion on using the public DNS name. I was not opening the port properly which i later did using custom TCP under 'Add rule' for inbounds of EC2 instance