Have the following html code section:
<ul id="tree">
<a href="">first</a>
<li><a href="">subfirst</a></li>
<li><a href="">subsecond</a></li>
<li><a href="">subthird</a></li>
<a href="">second</a>
<li><a href="">subfirst</a></li>
<li><a href="">subsecond</a></li>
<li><a href="">subthird</a></li>
Need parse this html code and get next (using DOMXPath::query() and foreach())
- first
-- subfirst
-- subsecond
-- subthird
- second
-- subfirst
-- subsecond
-- subthird
Piece of code:
$xpath = new \DOMXPath($html);
$catgs = $xpath->query('//*[@id="tree"]/li/a');
foreach ($catgs as $category) {
// first level
echo '- ' . mb_strtolower($category->nodeValue) . '<br>';
// second level
// don't know
Thanks in advance!
This is what DOMBLAZE is for:
/* DOMBLAZE */ $doc->registerNodeClass("DOMElement","DOMBLAZE"); class DOMBLAZE extends DOMElement{public function __invoke($expression) {return $this->xpath($expression);} function xpath($expression){$result=(new DOMXPath($this->ownerDocument))->evaluate($expression,$this);return($result instanceof DOMNodeList)?new IteratorIterator($result):$result;}}
$list = $doc->getElementById('tree');
foreach ($list('./li') as $item) {
echo '- ', $item('string(./a)'), "\n";
foreach ($item('./ul/li') as $subitem) {
echo '-- ', $subitem('string(./a)'), "\n";
- first
-- subfirst
-- subsecond
-- subthird
- second
-- subfirst
-- subsecond
-- subthird
DOMBLAZE is FluentDOM for the poor.