I am trying to execute this code on several Solaris 10 remote boxes over ssh. I am reading some connection information from the local file ipa.txt:
while read hostn sid; do
ssh utest@$hostn << EOF
for D in $(df -k |grep ora | grep -i $v_sid | awk '{print $6}')
printf "$(df -h $D |tail -1|awk '{print "FS:", $6, " usage:", $5"%"}')\n"
done < ipa.txt
If I only execute the FOR loop directly into the terminal, it works. But If I put the whole script into a .ksh file and I execute that one, I receive the following error at line 3 (the line where is do, next line after FOR statement).
ksh[2]: syntax error at line 3 : `newline or ;' unexpected
There is a problem with the FOR loop but I don't understand where it is.
Any suggestion?
Thank you
The command substitution is expanded before ssh
reads from the here document. If that pipeline is empty, the remote shell sees
for D in
which would cause your error. To send the exact text to the remote shell, escape any dollar signs that can trigger local expansions and use a format specifier for printf
ssh utest@$hostn << EOF
for D in \$(df -k |grep ora | grep -i \$v_sid | awk '{print \$6}')
printf '%s\n' "\$(df -h $D |tail -1|awk '{print "FS:", \$6, " usage:", \$5"%"}')"