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Assembly - bubble sort for sorting string

I am writing a program in assembly using tasm. My task is to write a program that will use bubble sort to sort entered string alphabetically. Ex. if you enter "hello" it should write "ehllo". I have writened the begging to enter string and to sort it (I think it works okey until the end where it should print out the result, but at the end it just writes my .data once and the finisheds its work) P.S sorry for bad english

.model small
.stack 100h

request     db 'This program is using bubblesort to get alphabetical order of your enterd string', 0Dh, 0Ah, 'Enter your string:', 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'
result      db 0Dh, 0Ah, 'Result:', 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'
buffer      db 100, ?, 100 dup (0)


MOV ax, @data                   
MOV ds, ax                      

MOV ah, 09h
MOV dx, offset request
int 21h

MOV dx, offset buffer           
MOV ah, 0Ah                     
INT 21h                         

MOV si, offset buffer           
INC si                          
MOV bh, [si]                    
INC si                          

mov cx, [si] 
mov bx, [si]     

mov ax, [bx+si]     
cmp ax, [bx+si+1]   
jge noswap          
xchg ax, [bx+si+1]
mov ax, [bx+si]

inc si              
cmp cx, si          
jl nextelement      
loop nextelement 

MOV ah, 09h
MOV dx, offset result
int 21h

MOV ah, 2                       
MOV dl, al                      
INT 21h                        

DEC bh                          
JZ ending                       
JMP char                        

MOV ax, 4c00h               
INT 21h                         

end start


  • 1) For bubble sort you need two nested loops. The outer loop resets the start parameters for the inner loop until there is nothing left to swap.

    2) You sort characters. That are 8-bit values (bytes). You can't load them directly into a 16-bit register (mov ax, [bx+si]).

    3) [bx+si] & [bx+si+1]: this is so wrong that I cannot explain the error :-) .

    Instead of correcting your code I wrote an example "from scratch": following the illustration in

    Bubble sort animation

    .MODEL small
    .STACK 1000h                        ; Don't skimp with stack!
        Struct0A EQU $                  ; Buffer for INT 21h/0Ah (max,got,buf)
            max db 100                  ; Maximum characters buffer can hold (incl. CR (0Dh))
            got db 0                    ; Number of characters actually read, (excl. CR (0Dh))
            buf db 100 dup (0)          ; Actual characters read, including the final carriage return (0Dh)
        Linefeed db 13, 10, '$'
        GetString   db 'Enter string: $'
        mov ax, @DATA                           ; Initialize DS
        mov ds, ax
        ; Input String
        mov ah, 09h
        mov dx, OFFSET GetString
        int 21h
        mov dx, OFFSET Struct0A
        mov ah, 0Ah
        INT 21h
        mov si, OFFSET buf                      ; Base for [si + bx] 
        xor bx, bx                              ; Prepare BX for following byte load
        mov bl, got                             ; Load length of string = 0Dh at the end
        mov BYTE PTR [si + bx], '$'             ; Delimiter for int 21h / 09h
        dec bx                                  ; The last character is already at the right place
        jz done                                 ; No characters left = done
        mov cx, bx                              ; CX: loop variable
        mov si, OFFSET buf
        xor dl, dl                              ; DL (hasSwapped) = false
        mov ax, [si]                            ; Load **two** characters
        cmp al, ah                              ; AL: 1. char, AH: 2. char
        jbe S1                                  ; AL <= AH - no change
        mov dl, 1                               ; hasSwapped = true
        xchg al, ah                             ; Swap characters
        mov [si], ax                            ; Store swapped characters
        inc si                                  ; Next pair of characters
        loop inner
        test dl, dl                             ; hasSwapped == true?
        jnz outer                               ; yes: once more
        ; Print result
        mov dx, OFFSET Linefeed
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h
        mov dx, OFFSET buf
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h
        mov ax, 4C00h
        int 21h
    END start

    And here is another "animated" illustration: