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Reading results from PHP Facebook Graph api SDK

I am trying to get a list of all the names & id of people actually going to an event I create. Getting the list using the php graph api for facebook was the easy part and seems to work.

Code (php) the get the data:


    $getattending = "/" . $event_id . "/attending?fields=name,id";

    $req_events = new FacebookRequest($session, 'GET', $getattending);
    $req_response = $req_events->execute();
    $data_array = $req_response->getGraphObject()->asArray();

    $counter = array_map("count", $data_array);
    $count = $counter['data'];

    echo "Attending: $count<BR>";

   echo "<PRE>";
   echo "</PRE>";

The result:

Array (

[data] => Array
        [0] => stdClass Object
                [name] => Thierry Martens
                [id] => 788923242

        [1] => stdClass Object
                [name] => Lisa Mario Laurier
                [id] => 708876902536391

        [2] => stdClass Object
                [name] => Ramy Mahfoudhi
                [id] => 735036479911364

        [3] => stdClass Object
                [name] => Jeremy Verriest Duroisin
                [id] => 783108468420824

        [4] => stdClass Object
                [name] => Jonas En Svetlana Laurier
                [id] => 773139856081632

        [5] => stdClass Object
                [name] => Maxime Demerliere
                [id] => 849400761761008

        [6] => stdClass Object
                [name] => Jeremy Beauchamp
                [id] => 10204174155667109

        [7] => stdClass Object
                [name] => Sari Jens Delcourte Delusinne
                [id] => 10204086515874904

        [8] => stdClass Object
                [name] => Pieter Marysse
                [id] => 10204911283045115

        [9] => stdClass Object
                [name] => Patrick Vanden Bosschelle
                [id] => 10202907209181148


BUT i am having problems to actually gather the data itsels; i simply need the name and the id in simple array or list so i can use it in the rest of the script. Any ideas Anyone?

My second question is the php graph api seems to have a "/eventnr/attending" thing for graph 2.1; showing nr attendants to your event in question; but when i actually call it i get an error stating i need to use graph 2.1 while i uploaded the latest php sdk and can't seem to find a way to change that version. This question is not as important as the one above; but if it works i would need less code :)

Hope you guys can help me :)


  • !!!! GOT IT !!!!

    Did look some further on here and the solutions seems to be pretty easy:

    for ($x = 0; $x <= $count; $x++)
            $names[$x] = $data_array['data'][$x]->name;
            $ids[$x] = $data_array['data'][$x]->id;


    $names array:

    Array ( [0] => Thierry Martens [1] => Lisa Mario Laurier [2] => Ramy Mahfoudhi [3] => Jeremy Verriest Duroisin [4] => Jonas En Svetlana Laurier [5] => Maxime Demerliere [6] => Jeremy Beauchamp [7] => Sari Jens Delcourte Delusinne [8] => Pieter Marysse [9] => Patrick Vanden Bosschelle [10] => )

    $ids array:

    Array ( [0] => 788923242 [1] => 708876902536391 [2] => 735036479911364 [3] => 783108468420824 [4] => 773139856081632 [5] => 849400761761008 [6] => 10204174155667109 [7] => 10204086515874904 [8] => 10204911283045115 [9] => 10202907209181148 [10] => )