How would you use existing FParsec functionality to find a repeating consecutive pattern in the rightmost tag?
It's a legitimate possibility in this context. Pre-parsing + escaping might work, but is there a better solution? Do we need to write a new forward combinator, and if so, what does it look like?
open FParsec
let str = pstring
let phraseEscape = pchar '\\' >>. pchar '"'
let phraseChar = phraseEscape <|> (noneOf "|\"\r\n]") // <- this right square bracket needs to be removed
let phrase = manyChars phraseChar
let wrapped = between (str"[[") (str"]]".>>newline) phrase
run wrapped "[[some text]]\n" // <- works fine
// !! problem
run wrapped "[[array[] d]]\n" // <- that means we can't make ']' invalid in phraseChar
// !! problem
run wrapped "[[array[]]]\n" // <- and this means that the first ]] gets match leaving a floating one to break the parser
Sorry to be answering my own question, but...
See composable function phraseTill, and the pend parser that is passed to it of (notFollowedBy(s"]]]")>>.(s"]]"))
open FParsec
let s = pstring
let phraseChar = (noneOf "\r\n")
let phrase = manyChars phraseChar
/// keep eating characters until the pend parser is successful
let phraseTill pend = manyCharsTill phraseChar pend
/// when not followed by tipple, a double will truly be the end
let repeatedTo repeatedPtrn ptrn = notFollowedBy(s repeatedPtrn)>>.(s ptrn)
let wrapped = (s"[[")>>.phraseTill (repeatedTo "]]]" "]]")
run wrapped "[[some text]]]"
run wrapped "[[some text]]"
NB. if you try this out in FSharp Interactive (FSI), make sure you have at least one "run wrapped" line when you send your text to FSI to be evaluated (ie. right-click 'Execute In Interactive'). The type only gets inferred / pinned on application in this example. We could have provided explicit definitions at the risk of being more verbose.