I need to check in Haskell if a four digit number is a palindrome, the problem is that I can't use lists, and in spite of having a fixed digit number, I should use recursion. I have been think on the problem and I couldn't get a solution using recursion. The closest that I could get was this:
pldrm :: Integer -> Bool
pldrm x
|x > 9999 = False
|x > 999 = (div x 1000 == mod x 10) && (mod (div x 100) 10) == div (mod x 100) 10
|otherwise = False
Do you have any idea? thanks
How about just checking if a number is equal to its reversal?
palindrome :: Integer -> Bool
palindrome x = reversal x == x
reversal :: Integral a => a -> a
reversal = go 0
where go a 0 = a
go a b = let (q,r) = b `quotRem` 10 in go (a*10 + r) q
This lets negative numbers like -121
be palindromes, which is easy to check for if you don't want that to be true.
nonNegativePalindrome x = x >= 0 && palindrome x
gives us the integer with digits in reverse order of our input (ignoring the infinite leading zeroes implicit in 12 == ...000012
works by peeling off the digits from the bottom (using quotRem
, which is a lot like divMod
) and putting them together in reverse order (via muliplication and adding).
reversal 12345
= go 0 12345
= go 5 1234
= go 54 123
= go 543 12
= go 5432 1
= go 54321 0
= 54321
It's worth noting that n == reversal $ reversal n
only if n
is zero or has a non-zero 1s digit. (reversal (reversal 1200) == 12
), but that integers in the range of reversal
are all invertible: reversal x == reversal (reversal (reversal x))
forall x
More thorough explanation of how to reach this solution in this blog post.