After have used Play! Framework for a while, I'm taking a first look to Spray. I started from a sample I found on GitHub, now I want to modify it but it's not easy for me to get how it works.
How can I wait for a message from an Actor in the code below?
package api
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import spray.routing.Directives
import core.ClassifierActor
class ClassifierService(classifier: ActorRef)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext)
extends Directives with DefaultJsonFormats {
import ClassifierActor._
implicit val classifyMessageFormat = jsonFormat4(ClassifyMessage)
val route =
path("classify") {
post {
handleWith {
// The ClassifierActor gets a ClassifyMessage and
// sends a ClassifiedMessage back to the sender.
// How can wait for the ClassifiedMessage here
// and send a HttpResponse back?
cm: ClassifyMessage => classifier ! cm
// ???
Spray is already based on
Thus, if you want just to complete your route with actor response, you could use ask pattern
import akka.pattern.ask
import scala.concurrent.duration._
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds) // needed for `?` below
val route =
path("classify") {
post {
onComplete(actorResponse(yourActor, yourMessage)) {
def actorResponse[T](actor: ActorRef, msg: ClassifyMessage): Future[T] =
(actor ? msg).mapTo[T]
If you want to forward request to your actor model and complete route somewhere in actor system, you need to forward RequestContext to actors. Maybe, this example could help you. Good luck!