I have the following list:
{% for upcomming_gig in upcomming_gigs %}
{% with gig=upcomming_gig.gig %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
This ends up printing the entire list of gig
records. How can I select just the first in the list?
I have tried {% with gig=upcomming_gig.gig.0 %}
as per https://stackoverflow.com/a/26144595/2429989 but that results in no data...?
It'll be best to do these kind of things on the server side but I guess (didn't try) this will work for django, don't know anything about Jinja
{% for upcomming_gig in upcomming_gigs %}
{% if forloop.first %}
{# or loop.first for Jinja as Ilendi mentioned below #}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I just saw the question you linked to, you're writing using upcomming_gig
instead of upcomming_gigs
(notice the s
in the end). Try this:
{% if upcomming_gigs %}
{% with gig=upcomming_gigs.0.gig %} # Instead of gig=upcomming_gigs.gig.0
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}