I'm trying to create a line plot using groups and panels that superposes a symbol on the first value of each group. This attempt plots the first point of the first group only and does nothing for the other two groups.
foo <- data.frame(x=-100:100, y=sin(c(-100:100)*pi/4))
xyplot( y~x | y>0, foo, groups=cut(x,3),
panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ...) {
panel.xyplot(x, y, subscripts=subscripts, type='l', ...)
# almost but not quite:
panel.superpose(x[1], y[1], subscripts=subscripts, cex=c(1,0), ...)
} )
General solutions would be appreciated, to allow plotting of specific points within each group and panel (e.g., first, middle, and endpoints).
(Thanks for this good lattice
question.) You should use Subscripts because it is the mechanism for picking individual data points for panels : Here you want to pick the groups
by panel: groups[subscripts]
. Once you have the right grouping variables you can use it to split your data and pick the first element of each group:
## first points
xx = tapply(x,groups[subscripts],'[',1)
yy = tapply(y,groups[subscripts],'[',1)
## end points
xx = tapply(x,groups[subscripts],tail,1)
yy = tapply(y,groups[subscripts],tail,1)
The you plot the point using panel.points
(higher level than the basic panel.superpose
foo <- data.frame(x=-100:100, y=sin(c(-100:100)*pi/4))
xyplot( y~x | y>0, foo, groups=cut(x,3),
panel = function(x, y, subscripts, groups,...) {
panel.xyplot(x, y, subscripts=subscripts, type='l',groups=groups, ...)
# Note the use `panel.points` and the grouping using groups[subscripts]
cex=2,pch=20, ...)
} )
In case you want to color points according the color groups, you should add a groups argument to panel.points
. (I leave you this as an exercise)