I have > 10 packages that need to update/insert in the dataflow. I am able to do it by:
(http://www.rad.pasfu.com/index.php?/archives/46-SSIS-Upsert-With-Lookup-Transform.html) (http://jahaines.blogspot.com/2009/09/sss-performing-upsert.html)
However, I was wondering if there is some way I can use the "Merge" statement in Lookup (or in any other) component such that I can do something like:
MERGE [DBPrac].[dbo].[TargetTable] AS tt
USING [SourceTable] AS st ON tt.Id = st.Id
WHEN MATCHED THEN --* Update the records, if record found based on Id.
SET tt.SSN = st.SSN
,tt.FirstName = st.FirstName
,tt.MiddleName = st.MiddleName
,tt.LastName = st.LastName
,tt.Gender = st.Gender
,tt.DateOfBirth = st.DateOfBirth
,tt.Email = st.Email
,tt.Phone = st.Phone
,tt.Comment = st.Comment
WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN --* Insert from source to target.
INSERT (Id, SSN, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Gender, DateOfBirth, Email, Phone, Comment)
VALUES (st.Id, st.SSN, st.FirstName, st.MiddleName, st.LastName, st.Gender, st.DateOfBirth, st.Email, st.Phone, st.Comment)
So far I tried:
Any help and/or pointer would be great.
Yes you can use MERGE but you need to load your data into a staging table. This is the 'ELT' method - extract, load (into database), transform, as opposed to the 'ETL' method - extract, transform (in package), load (into database)
I usually find the ELT method faster and more maintainable, if you don't mind working with SQL scripts. Certainly a single bulk update is faster than the row by row update that occurs in SSIS