Since web fonts have some ins-and-outs pertaining to cross-domain hosting, being a developer who provides code for a multitude of clients that want to use such web fonts to leverage their aesthetic quality, can be challenging especially when trying to detail the technical steps of hosting a file and making sure the URL path is pointing to it properly.
Recently, I have come across a webfont that uses a
data:application/font-woff;charset=utf-8;base64, "longHash"
nomenclature and I am not familiar with this.
One great benefit of this is that it seems that this doesn't have the cross-domain pitfalls of using a URL for a font, example here:
If you look at the link you can see that it's a series of alphanumerical characters quite long in length where the URL path typically is.
I wonder, how does one create a path like this?
Help is always appreciated!
Base64 is an encoding scheme for binary. You can use a decoder to get the binary contents of the alphanumerical text that comes after base64,
. The entire process is called Data URI Scheme and has a list of pros and cons for using it.