I have script in R that takes 8 minutes to run which basically compares date ranges for 800 records over a multi-year period. This is way too long. I am new to R and pretty sure it has to do with my embedded loops. Also, when I tried converting my data to toy problem it doesn't seem to work. I had been dealing with array types which I read in from excel.
# data vectors
ID <- c("1e", "1f", "1g")
StartDate <- c(1, 2, 4)
EndDate <- c(3, 4, 5)
Type <- c("A", "B", "B")
Qty <- c(.5, 2.5, 1)
# table rows and headers
Days <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
setOfTypes <- c("A", "B")
# get subset of active IDs for each day in table
ActiveID <- data.frame()
for(d in 1:length(Days)){
check <- StartDate<=Days[d] & EndDate>=Days[d]
subsetID <- subset(ID, check)
strSubsetID <- c()
for(i in 1:length(subsetID)){
strSubsetID <- paste(ID, subsetID[i], sep=",")
ActiveID[d,1] <- strSubsetID
# calculate quantity counts by day and type
Count <- matrix(,length(Days),length(setOfTypes))
for(d in 1:length(Days)){
for(t in 1:length(setOfTypes))
check <- Type == setOfTypes[t] & sapply(ID, grepl, x=ActiveID[d,1])
tempCount <- subset(Types, check)
Count[t,d] <- sum(tempCount)
The result should be a table (days x types) with each element consisting of the sum of Qty for active IDs on given day and type.
I am looking to vectorize this code so it runs faster when I apply to much larger data set!! Please help, thanks.
Your code doesn't run as is, so I have no way of knowing exactly what you are looking for. Your description suggests that you want the sum of Qty
for each of Days
between StartDate
and EndDate
, grouped by Type
. This will produce such a matrix:
df <- data.frame(ID,StartDate,EndDate,Type,Qty,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
Days <- min(StartDate):max(EndDate)
is.between <- function(x,df) with(df,x>=StartDate & x<=EndDate)
get.sums <- function(df) sapply(Days,function(d,df) sum(df[is.between(d,df),"Qty"]),df)
do.call(rbind,lapply(split(df,df$Type), get.sums))
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
# A 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0
# B 0.0 2.5 2.5 3.5 1
Here's a data.table approach that might be faster. Note the different definitions of is.between(...)
and get.sums(...)
DT <- data.table(df,key="Type")
is.between <- function(x,a,b) x>=a & x <= b
get.sums <- function(day) DT[,list(day,Qty=sum(Qty[is.between(day,StartDate,EndDate)])),by=Type]
long <- rbindlist(lapply(Days,get.sums))
result <- dcast.data.table(long,Type~day,value.var="Qty")
# Type 1 2 3 4 5
# 1: A 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0
# 2: B 0.0 2.5 2.5 3.5 1
Here are some benchmarks with a hopefully more representative example dataset (800 rows, 500 start dates, total date range >900 days), and also testing @Arun's answer.
# more representative example
set.seed(1) # for reproducibility
StartDate <- sample(1:500,800,replace=TRUE)
EndDate <- StartDate + rpois(800,400)
Type <- sample(LETTERS[1:20],800,replace=TRUE)
Qty <- rnorm(800,10,2)
Days <- min(StartDate):max(EndDate)
df <- data.frame(StartDate,EndDate,Type,Qty, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
Comparison of the data frame approach, and the two data table approaches.
DT <- data.table(df,key="Type")
f.df <- function() {
is.between <- function(x,df) with(df,x>=StartDate & x<=EndDate)
get.sums <- function(df) sapply(Days,function(d,df) sum(df[is.between(d,df),"Qty"]),df)
do.call(rbind,lapply(split(df,df$Type), get.sums))
f.dt1 <- function() {
is.between <- function(x,a,b) x>=a & x <= b
get.sums <- function(day) DT[,list(day,Qty=sum(Qty[is.between(day,StartDate,EndDate)])),by=Type]
long <- rbindlist(lapply(Days,get.sums))
f.dt2 <- function() {
lookup <- data.table(StartDate=Days, EndDate=Days)
j_olaps <- foverlaps(DT, lookup, by.x=c("StartDate", "EndDate"), type="any")
dcast.data.table(j_olaps, Type ~ StartDate, value.var="Qty", fun.agg=sum, na.rm=TRUE)
identical(f.dt1(),f.dt2()) # same result? YES!
# [1] TRUE
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq median uq max neval
# f.df() 1199.76370 1212.03787 1222.6558 1243.8743 1275.5526 10
# f.dt1() 1634.92675 1664.98885 1689.7812 1714.2662 1798.9121 10
# f.dt2() 91.53245 95.19545 129.2789 158.0789 208.1818 10
So @Arun's approach is ~10X faster than the df approach , and ~17X faster than the dt approach above.