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In Crystal Reports I am looking to have a header footer then header footer with linked info but different Sums

So I know it is not possible to do

header 1  
footer 1  

header 2  
footer 2 

But I am trying to make a form that shows

Invoice#,  Date,  Status,  Total,  Balance Due  
                              Debits total:    

Date,  Reference,  Total,  Balance  
                              Credits Total:  
                              Balance due:

Balance due being debits - credits. I was able to get the invoices but I can not figure out how to get the Credits to show below the debits total.


Help with the below requirement aswell:

    sum(case when s.[ar sale bill to] like '%wilco%' 
then isnull(d.[ar saled qty requested],d.[ar saled qty]) * d.[ar saled unit price] 
else 0 end) as 'Total'

I need to have a value if it is null grab to qty from [ar saled qty] any ideas?

Now I am having trouble with getting it on the same page...Detail 1 prints on page one and Detail 2 Prints on page 2. The amount of records vary but on the first record there is 3 lines in the first subreport and 1 in the second subreport.


  • your requirement is definitely possible....

    Use two sub reports in single main report where you can get desired structure

    header 1  //sub report 1
    detail    //sub report 1
    footer 1  //sub report 1
    header 2  //sub report 2
    detail    //sub report 2
    footer 2  //sub report 2

    Let me know incase any issue