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Rails Chartkick Gem Error Loading Chart No Adapter Found

I have a Rails 3.2.14 app where I'm using the chartkick and groupdate gem to try to generate some basic charts.

When I load my view I get the error: Error Loading Chart: No adapter found

Here's what my view code looks like:


<%= line_chart Call.group_by_week(:created_at).count %>

Here's my application layout including chartkick and yielding chart_js application.html.erb (layout)

 <%= javascript_include_tag "application", "chartkick" %>
 <%= yield :charts_js %>

Can anyone tell me why I'm getting this error and how to fix it? I'd really like to start using Chartkick to generate some simple charts.


  • Probably you missed loading Google Charts or Highcharts (the adapters).

    Try adding this line <%= javascript_include_tag "//" %> before <%= javascript_include_tag "application", "chartkick" %>. Also check the Installation section in gem's home page (scroll down :)).