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How to override a type already registered in LightInject using a new instance passed to the constructor?

In repository I keep some instances which live throughout the lifetime of my application but sometimes I need an immediate replacement for such instance with another instance and LightInject even if passing the new instance to the container.GetInstance constructor override.

Here is a snippet showing the problem:

    internal class ClassA
        public string Name { get; private set; }

        public ClassA(string name)
            Name = name;

        public override string ToString()
            return Name;

    internal class ClassB
        public ClassA A { get; private set; }

        public ClassB(ClassA a)
            A = a;

        public override string ToString()
            return string.Format("I contain {0}", A);

    private void TestContainer()
        var container = new LightInject.ServiceContainer();
        var a1 = new ClassA("A instance 1");
        container.Register(x => a1);

        var a2 = new ClassA("A instance 2");
        var bwitha1 = container.GetInstance<ClassB>();
        if(bwitha1.A != a1)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("This will not happen");
        var bwitha2 = container.GetInstance<ClassA, ClassB>(a2);
        if(bwitha2.A != a2)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Something went wrong here");

Why LightInject previously registered instance takes precedence if I give explicit instance in GetInstance call? How to get around the issue and construct the object with an alternative instance of one of the arguments?


  • In the current version of LightInject you need to provide a factory if you want to use runtime arguments.

    The following workaround might work for you.

    using LightInject;
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var container = new ServiceContainer();
            container.Register<Bar, Foo>((factory, bar) => new Foo(bar), "FooWithRuntimeArgument");            
            var instance = container.GetInstance<Foo>();            
            var instanceWithRuntimeArgument = container.GetInstance<Bar, Foo>(new Bar(), "FooWithRuntimeArgument");
    public class Foo
        public Foo(Bar bar) {}        
    public class Bar {}