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How to export / dump a MySql table into a text file including the field names (aka headers or column names)

In MySql's interpreter, it's very easy to dump a table to the screen along with its field names.

There seems to be no simple way to export a table to a tab-delimted or CSV outfile including its column headers.

I'm trying to do this using only SQL or the Linux command line, without writing a program in another language.

Thank you


  • Piping the query to the commandline client outputs a tab separated list with the column names as the first line

    $ echo "select * from surveys limit 5" | mysql -uroot -pGandalf surveys
    phone   param1  param2  param3  param4  p0      p1      p2      p3      audio4  code    time
    XXXXXXXXX       2008-07-02      11:17:23        XXXXXXXX        SAT     -       -       -       -       -       ERROR   2008-07-02 12:18:32
    XXXXXXXXX       2008-07-02      11:22:52        XXXXXXXX        SAT     -       -       -       -       -       COLGADO 2008-07-02 12:04:29
    XXXXXXXXX       2008-07-02      11:41:29        XXXXXXXX        SAT     -       -       -       -       -       COLGADO 2008-07-02 12:07:22
    XXXXXXXXX       2008-07-02      12:16:19        XXXXXXXX        SAT     1       1       1       9       XXXXXXXXX_4.wav     OK      2008-07-02 16:14:27
    XXXXXXXXX       2008-07-02      08:21:25        XXXXXXXX        SAT     1       1       1       1       XXXXXXXXX_4.wav     OK      2008-07-02 12:29:40