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ConnMan running from within the source code repository

I have just cloned the ConnMan repo from and followed the instructions from the HACKING text file. Basically I've issued the following commands:

# ./bootstrap-configure
# make

According to the text file aforementioned, this should be enough to start the daemon by running:

# sudo ./src/connmand -n

but the following error occurs:

Connection ":1.72" is not allowed to own the service "net.connman" due to security policies in the configuration file

I've looked into the configuration file under src/main.conf, but does not contain anything relevant for this. Has anyone else encountered this problem?


  • Copy the D-Bus policy file from src/connman-dbus.conf to /etc/dbus-1/system.d so that D-Bus can grant the ownership of net.connman when started as root. A 'make install' installs the policy file, but that was not run in this case.