I am trying to collect network information (MAC, IP, DNS 1-2, GateWay, Subnet Mask) programmatically but I am really struggling with DNS 1-2, GateWay, and Subnet Mask. Can you give me a lead on this issue.
With wifimanager I can easly gather IP and MAC address. I can't get others.
WifiManager wm = (WifiManager) getSystemService(WIFI_SERVICE);
String ip = Formatter.formatIpAddress(wm.getConnectionInfo()
String mac = wm.getConnectionInfo().getMacAddress();
I also can take all this information from DhcpInfo as below:
DhcpInfo d = wm.getDhcpInfo();
String DNS1 = d.dns1.toString();
but this returns some integer value and I can't parse it into DNS.
Is there any other way to get DNS and gateways.
I just editted code from selected answer in below question to get needed network information. It's not seems smart but worked for my case.
How to configue a static IP address, netmask, gateway programmatically on Android 3.x or 4.x