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Prefixfree-min.js not working with external css

Hello I was creating a webpage, and using internal css. I copied the whole css code in an external file and linked it with my html.

Prior to this, prefixfree.js was working fine, but as soon as I copied it to external css the prefixfree.js stopped working with chrome. Firefox is working but chrome doesn't play animations and transitions. Please help me. Thanks


  • Thanks to @Alex wilson. Unprefixed linked stylesheets won’t work locally in Chrome and Opera. Firefox (and IE?) natively support local XHR, so -prefix-free will work fine locally with them. To enable local XHR for Chrome, you need to run it with the flag --allow-file-access-from-files. To enable local XHR for Opera, you have to go to opera:config#UserPrefs|AllowFileXMLHttpRequest, check that option and Save.