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Grails : Retrieve all latest children records

I am new to Grails , I have some issue as stated below.

I have 2 domain classes : Parent and Child. I am storing arrays of arrays into database.

Parent class is :

class Parent{
    static hasMany = [child: Child]

Child class is :

class Child {

    String time
    String record
    String value
    static belongsTo= [parent: Parent]

    static constraints = {
        time(blank: false)
        record(blank: false)
        belongsTo(blank: false)

Now my requirement is :

I need to retrieve the child's latest records that contain multiple rows in the database with unique parent id. e.g : Parent's latest id is 7. Child table contains nearly 10 records on parent id 7. I want to retrieve all these 10 records with the reference of the parent id(7).

Please some one help to write a code/query .


  • gorm is a greate ORM you could use following:

    def parent = Parent.get(7)
    def childList = Child.findAllByParent(parent);

    read this, it'll help you to understand gorm better.