I've got unexpected crashes with the iAds banner in iOS8.
I've implemented the delegate "bannerViewDidFailToReceiveAdWithError:
", the code enters it when it failed to receive the ad.
But event with this, the application crashes.
Here's the log :
Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 Security 0x2abb40b6 SecKeyGetBlockSize + 2
1 MogoHoroscopeNewLite 0x001b92d8 0x70000 + 1348312
2 MogoHoroscopeNewLite 0x001b9070 0x70000 + 1347696
3 MogoHoroscopeNewLite 0x001b8c0c 0x70000 + 1346572
4 MogoHoroscopeNewLite 0x001ba2de 0x70000 + 1352414
5 MogoHoroscopeNewLite 0x00162262 0x70000 + 991842
6 MogoHoroscopeNewLite 0x0015c7ba 0x70000 + 968634
7 MogoHoroscopeNewLite 0x0015c8c8 0x70000 + 968904
8 MogoHoroscopeNewLite 0x0015c9fa 0x70000 + 969210
9 MogoHoroscopeNewLite 0x0014c516 0x70000 + 902422
10 MogoHoroscopeNewLite 0x001433d0 0x70000 + 865232
11 MogoHoroscopeNewLite 0x00142d98 0x70000 + 863640
12 MogoHoroscopeNewLite 0x000d4a6a 0x70000 + 412266
13 MogoHoroscopeNewLite 0x0026cc8c 0x70000 + 2083980
14 MogoHoroscopeNewLite 0x0025ed1c 0x70000 + 2026780
15 MogoHoroscopeNewLite 0x00260788 0x70000 + 2033544
16 MogoHoroscopeNewLite 0x00281b84 0x70000 + 2169732
17 MogoHoroscopeNewLite 0x001414a8 0x70000 + 857256
18 iAd 0x2b8c23ba -[ADBannerView _forwardErrorToDelegate:] + 250
19 iAd 0x2b8c1c8e -[ADBannerView serverBannerViewDidFailToReceiveAdWithError:] + 174
I updated to the last iAd adapter for Google Ad Mob Mediation.
Here's the link : https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/docs/admob/mediation-networks?hl=fr
Google forgot to notify that an update was available since 22th september 2014.