I used restlet with spring to provide RESTful service.
I want to complete the following function:
for my URI, I will have a Resource to handle it.
for other URI, I have a simple Resource to forward it to another system to handle it.
My problem is "how to config "other" URI in applicationContext.xml?", I define the resource in applicationContext.xml.
<bean id="test1" name="/myuri" class="MyResource"></bean>
<bean id="test2" name="other_uri_except_myuri" class="ForwardResource"></bean>
How to config it? Now I don't use the Application, and maybe can't define Router.
Thank you~
Maybe there isn't a better way for the question.
you may add these sentenses in the application.xml
<bean id="test3" name="/{aaa}" class="ForwardResource"></bean>
<bean id="test4" name="/{aaa}/{bbb}" class="ForwardResource"></bean>
<bean id="test5" name="/{aaa}/{bbb}/{ccc}" class="ForwardResource"></bean>
and so on, according the variable in your path...
Anyway, it works.