I am reading temperature from temp sensor tmp36 using atmega2560. After reading temperature sensor digital values and converting them into readable form in two atmega2560 microcontrollers, I get different answers. Why do I get this type of answers. ? Piece of code is present below:
float temp; // global variable
unsigned long temp_volt;
unsigned char temp_h, temp_l;
unsigned int temp_buf;
temp_volt =(((unsigned long)temp_buf*256*10)/1023) - 993; // subtract offset gain
temp = ((float)temp_volt*1000/1014*100/196)/10; // adjust the gain
printf("temp_buf: %d, temp_volt: %d, temp: %0.2f\r\n", temp_buf, temp_volt, temp);
On one ATMEGA2560 answers I got is:
temp_buf: 55, temp_volt: 447, temp: 22.4
On another ATMEGA2560 what i got is:
temp_buf: 53, temp_volt: -861, temp: 0.00
Because of this I made this adjustments
temp_volt =(((unsigned long)temp_buf*256*100)/1023) - 904;
Why is two microcontrollers behaving differently when I am usiong same code?
Have double type for temp_volt and temp_buf so that you don;t lose data because of integer arithmetic, for example, 7/4 = 1 and 7.0/4.0 = 1.75 So,
double temp_volt;
double temp_buf;
and your computations as:
temp_volt =temp_buf*256.0*10.0)/1023.0) - 993.0; // subtract offset gain
temp = ((float)temp_volt*1000.0/1014.0*100.0/196.0)/10.0; // adjust the gain
If you need your result as int, then do that in the final step, e.g.
temp_volt =(double)(int)(temp_buf*256.0*10.0)/1023.0) - 993.0);