Is it possible to access values in the outer trait from an inner trait mixin? i.e.:
trait Outer {
val foo
trait Inner
trait InnerMixin { this: Outer#Inner =>
def bar {
// how can I access 'foo' here? smth like
As you will be able to mix your InnerMixin only inside some extension of outer, maybe you could define it inside an Outer mixin, this way
trait Outer {
val foo: Int
trait Inner
trait OuterMixin { this: Outer =>
trait InnerMixin { this: Inner =>
def extension =
class ActualOuter extends Outer with OuterMixin {
val foo = 12
class ActualInner extends Inner with InnerMixin {
Note : most of the time, you do not need a self type and you can do just OuterMixin extends Outer and InnerMixin extends Inner.