I have a contact css tab on my left side on my website, I have more then 30 pages and I don't wantto manually alter all those pages later when data had changed. Does anyone knows a sollution so I only have to alter 1 file to have all pages edited?
Perhaps in javascript?
The code below is for the tab
<div class="slide-out-div">
<a class="handle" href="http://link-for-non-js-users">Content</a>
<h3>Onze contact gegevens</h3>
<p>Adres: van Ostadestraat 55<br />
Postcode: 8932 JZ<br />
Plaats: Leeuwarden<br />
Tel: 058 844 66 28<br />
Mob: 0629594595
<br />
E-mail: <a href="mailto:info@friesecomputerservice.nl">info@friesecomputerservice.nl</a><br /><br />
<p>Mocht u vragen hebben dan kunt u gerust bij ons terecht voor meer informatie.</p>
This is in my html
<!--#include virtual="contact.txt" -->
and this is in my contact.txt which is located in the rot of my webfolder:
<div class="slide-out-div">
<a class="handle" href="http://link-for-non-js-users">Content</a>
<h3>Onze contact gegevens</h3>
<p>Adres: van Ostadestraat 55<br />
Postcode: 8932 JZ<br />
Plaats: Leeuwarden<br />
Tel: 058 844 66 28<br />
Mob: 0629594595
<br />
E-mail: <a href="mailto:info@friesecomputerservice.nl">info@friesecomputerservice.nl</a><br /><br />
<p>Mocht u vragen hebben dan kunt u gerust bij ons terecht voor meer informatie.</p>
You may want to use Server Side Includes (SSI).
You would place your code snippet into a separate file, such as contact.txt
, and then you would simply reference it in all your 30 pages by using:
<!--#include virtual="contact.txt" -->
SSI is supported by all the popular web servers, including Apache, IIS and lighttpd.