I am using Ransack in my RoR application and so far most of how I have been using it has been simple. But I now have two issues with Ransack that I need help on.
I am trying to search on dates on my holds table. The holds table has two date fields. lowdate and highdate. I have the following jQuery code in my holds.coffee file for the jQuery datepicker to ensure that the date format is in the mm/dd/yy format. The following is an example of the lowdate, but I have another for highdate.
jQuery -> $(document).on "page:change", -> $("#lowdate").datepicker changeMonth: true changeYear: true dateFormat: "mm/dd/yy" yearRange: "-5:+10"
It seems that the date is being passed in the mm/dd/yy format in the search critera and I think it needs to be in the yy-mm-dd format. Not sure how to do that for searches though.
My ransack search code in my index.html.erb file:
<%= search_form_for @search do |f| %>
<div class="span2 input">
<% f.label :holdfrom_gteq %>
<%= f.text_field :holdfrom_gteq, placeholder: "Low Date", id: "lowdate" %>
<div class="span2 input">
<% f.label :holdto_lteq %>
<%= f.text_field :holdto_lteq, placeholder: "High Date", id: "highdate" %>
<div class="span1">
<%= f.submit "Search", name: nil, class: "btn-small btn-primary"%>
<% end %>
And this is in my log file:
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"√", "q"=>{"holdfrom_gteq"=>"05/25/2014", "holdto_lteq"=>"05/31/2014"}}
Any help that can be provided to the above two issues would be much appreciated. Still relatively new to rails and still learning. I did watch the railscast #370 for Ransack but it doesn't touch on either of the two items above.
Ok, in the end the answer to this wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. Since I had a relationship between holds and customer, a customer can have many holds, then all I needed to do was prefix the search variable with the model name.
So, if I wanted to search on customer name I would have the variable something like this:
Don't recall what the exact issue was with the dates, but they are working fine too.