I don't really know if stackoverflow is the right place to ask but I'll try. I know people here sit on a lot of knownledge! I downloaded and installed Gpg4win 2.2.2 (I installed the GPA package). Opened up Kleopatra and generated a key. When I exported the public key I noticed this
Version: GnuPG v2
I've never seen anyone with just "GnuPG v2" as version. What I want is "Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)" or an explanation.
Am I missing MingW32 packages or what? I googled MingW32 and found an installer and installed all the basic packages. Rebooted my computer and generated a new key, still just "GnuPG v2".
So what am I missing? Does it even matter? It feels more secure to have GnuPG+MingW32 than just GnuPG.
Best regards Adam
GnuPG vs GnuPG 2 was already discussed often, for example there is an explanation in this answer. GnuPG 2's manual pages (man gpg2
on unix systems) has following explanation:
In contrast to the standalone version
, which is more suited for server and embedded platforms, this version is commonly installed under the namegpg2
and more targeted to the desktop as it requires several other modules to be installed.
MinGW is just a kind of compatibility framework for porting applications developed for unix-like systems to Windows (as there are different programming models and interfaces for example file access). As end user, MinGW or not MinGW does not matter to you; the actual GnuPG code is the same. You do not have to install the MinGW components on your own either; the GnuPG installer for Windows brings everything you need.